


I was always a runner doing constant half marathons and training for long distance, when I got injured I ended up exploring yoga and instantly became obsessed with yoga and Pilates… it was so much better for my body and enabled me to heal. I always dreamed of being a Pilates instructor but it never fit into my schedule in the past … and now it does. I’m so grateful to be a part of the Fly team.

How you came to fly?

My family moves all the time and finding a new gym is extremely important to my transition… I stumbled into Fly while house shopping in Lincoln. I heard the loud music and just walked in. I’ve never felt so welcome, I was introduced to Jenni and knew this would be my new home. I genuinely believe with all of my heart that fly is what made my transition to Lincoln so seamless. Just a beautiful group of humans!

Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.
Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self. Redefining fitness–to empower you to reach your strongest self.

Kristina’s classes


Pilates Reformer

Meet Kristina in

Lincoln – SOLNK

5025 Lindberg Street, Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68516
(402) 413-8001